Prayer Shawls are a tangible reminder of God’s ever present love.
Imagine the yarn slipping through your fingers and into the fabric of a
shawl, crafted for someone who needs prayer. Imagine the finished shawl,
wrapped around another, a tangible reminder of God’s love and protection.
To receive one is a blessing, but so it is also to make one.
Are you or someone you know in need of a prayer shawl? Please contact Maryjane in the parish office
If you would like to be part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please contact Maryjane in the parish office.
Patterns for both the prayer shawls and the pocket prayer shawls are available.
St. Thomas the Apostle Church is a caring, welcoming, Christian community experiencing God through the spirit of warmth, belonging, and joy.
Phone: 203-888-2382
733 Oxford Road
Oxford, CT 06478